UKG English Worksheet : He She and It Worksheet For UKG Print and Practice

UKG English Worksheet : In this worksheet Kids can practice He, she and it by looking at the picture easily. This worksheet will help to know use of He, She and It.

lets learn about UKG English Worksheet for He, She and It Worksheet.

He, She and It Worksheet For UKG

  • Use He for Male like Boy Man or Name of any Male.
  • Use She for girl, Woman and other female names.
  • Use It For Objects or very small animal like ant.

He She and It Worksheet For UKG Part 1

He She It Worksheet For UKG
He She and It Worksheet For UKG

He, She and It Worksheet For UKG Part 2

Practice well as above you have done.

He She It Worksheet For UKG 1 1
He She and It Worksheet For UKG

Fill in the Blanks with He, She, or It

Choose the correct pronoun (He, She, or It) to complete each sentence.

  1. The sun is shining. ___ provides warmth.
  2. Our teacher is kind. ___ helps us learn.
  3. The robot is very advanced. ___ can do many tasks.
  4. Look at the flowers! ___ are blooming beautifully.
  5. My friend has a new bicycle. ___ rides it every day.
  6. The baby is crying. ___ needs attention.
  7. The movie is exciting. ___ has a great storyline.
  8. My sister loves music. ___ plays the piano.
  9. The dog is chasing its tail. ___ looks playful.
  10. The computer is on. ___ is ready to use.
  11. The elephant is huge. ___ has long tusks.
  12. My little brother is adorable. ___ is very cute.
  13. The clock is ticking. ___ marks the time.
  14. The girl is drawing a picture. ___ is talented.
  15. The rocket is launching into space. ___ is powerful.
  16. The cat is on the roof. ___ seems comfortable up there.
  17. The tiger is roaring. ___ is loud.
  18. The tree has many leaves. ___ provides shade.
  19. The butterfly is colorful. ___ is fluttering around.
  20. The soccer ball is round. ___ bounces when kicked.

Fill in the Blanks – Answers:

  1. The sun is shining. It provides warmth.
  2. Our teacher is kind. She helps us learn.
  3. The robot is very advanced. It can do many tasks.
  4. Look at the flowers! They are blooming beautifully.
  5. My friend has a new bicycle. He rides it every day.
  6. The baby is crying. It needs attention.
  7. The movie is exciting. It has a great storyline.
  8. My sister loves music. She plays the piano.
  9. The dog is chasing its tail. It looks playful.
  10. The computer is on. It is ready to use.
  11. The elephant is huge. It has long tusks.
  12. My little brother is adorable. He is very cute.
  13. The clock is ticking. It marks the time.
  14. The girl is drawing a picture. She is talented.
  15. The rocket is launching into space. It is powerful.
  16. The cat is on the roof. It seems comfortable up there.
  17. The tiger is roaring. It is loud.
  18. The tree has many leaves. It provides shade.
  19. The butterfly is colorful. It is fluttering around.
  20. The soccer ball is round. It bounces when kicked.

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