A or An Worksheet For UKG Practice and Print

A or An Worksheet: In this Worksheet, Kids can Fill A or An Before the words with picture. This A An worksheet for UKG will help to understand of A or An use.

Lets practice A or An Worksheet For UKG , Here one worksheet and 2 practice exercise are given below.

Where to use A or An

1. Use ‘a’ before words that begin with a consonant sound

Examples: a dog, a cat, a book, a house

2. Use ‘an’ before words that begin with a vowel sound:

Examples: an apple, an orange, an elephant, an igloo

3. Remember that the sound of the word matters more than the actual letter it starts with:

Example: An hour (even though ‘hour’ starts with an ‘h’, it has a vowel sound)

4. Listen carefully to the first sound of the word to decide whether to use ‘a’ or ‘an’.

A or An Worksheet for UKG

let see the picture and fill beofore words With A/An

Use A and An
A or An Worksheet

A or An Worksheet Fill in the Blanks I

Worksheet Fill in the Blanks with A or An

  1. _______ apple fell from the tree.
  2. She found _______ interesting book at the library.
  3. He bought _______ umbrella because it was raining.
  4. There is _______ elephant in the zoo.
  5. She has _______ uncle who lives in the city.
  6. He wants to buy _______ new car.
  7. She adopted _______ adorable kitten from the animal shelter.
  8. He bought _______ hourglass for his collection.
  9. We saw _______ octopus at the aquarium.
  10. There is _______ European map on the wall.

Answer Key:

  1. An
  2. An
  3. An
  4. An
  5. An
  6. A
  7. An
  8. An
  9. An
  10. A

A or An Worksheet for UKG II

Instructions: Decide whether to use ‘a’ or ‘an’ in each sentence. Write the correct choice in the blank space provided.

  1. I have _______ apple.
  2. She found _______ umbrella.
  3. There is _______ elephant in the zoo.
  4. He wants to buy _______ toy.
  5. She saw _______ owl in the tree.
  6. He has _______ orange.
  7. There is _______ apple on the table.
  8. She wants _______ ice cream.
  9. He needs _______ pencil.
  10. She has _______ dog.

Answer Key:

  1. an
  2. an
  3. an
  4. a
  5. an
  6. an
  7. an
  8. an
  9. a
  10. a

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